vb.net - It is taking too much time to logout from my webapplication -

in vb.net web application when user tries logout takes around 10-20 seconds logout. in between process @ bottom-left of browser displays uploading , after uploading 100% user able logout application.

i want fast logout web application. unable solve problem .

my application had deployed on webserver. have problem on webserver. on local machine ok.

after looking @ har file posted, can see when post server, sending 2.75mb of data logout. 1 of major downsides of using webforms. need reducing size of viewstate in .net 2.0 (which looks using).

you can disable viewstate particular control doesn't need using enableviewstate="false".

research viewstate is, , when safe disable it, , as can on page, big table if possible.

alternative: logout using webmethod

if cannot reduce viewstate size correctly without breaking things, may want having webmethod can call browser using jquery. dave ward has number of excellent posts on how on website encosia, such this one. advantage call webmethod should small, quicker trying send 2.7mb logout.

the potential downsides may need work in javascript logout work correctly. example, may need clear session cookie manually afterwards, , redirect default.aspx page.

it situations these highlight how far web has progressed. webforms in asp.net 2.0 important step in making web easier program on windows desktop programmers, not way web should work nowadays, , slow, kludgy, outdated technology. if can convince people stop using , start using asp.net mvc instead, won't run these kinds of scenarios again.


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