multithreading - Batch search multiple strings simultaneously -

i have large database of equipment:

equipment500 equipment501 .......... equipment998 equipment999 

as larger database details equipment:

equipment1:details.... equipment2:details.... .................. equipment9998:details.... equipment9999:details.... 

what need, select details equipment need:

for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (%cd%\equipment.db) ( findstr /i /c:"%%a" details.db > output\%%a ) 

the output be, of course, folder files:

in equipment500 equipment500:details.... in equipment501 equipment501:details.... .................. in equipment998 equipment998:details.... in equipment999 equipment999:details.... 

the problem takes lot of time.

i need multithreaded runs more instances of findstr (preferably 500) @ sametime processing instantly.

idea appreciated. thank you!

@echo off echo building input files (this needs time): del *.db /l %%i in (500,1,999) @echo equipment%%i>>equipment.db /l %%i in (1,1,9999) @echo equipment%%i:detailswhatever>>details.db  echo %time% start adapting rem adapt equipment.db: (for /f "delims=" %%i in (equipment.db) echo %%i:)>equip.db  rem find strings: echo %time% start searching findstr /g:equip.db details.db >output.txt echo %time% done 

note: "equipment.db" has adapted, because searching "equipment2" find "equipment20", equipment21"... "equipment200" ...


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