xna - How to move a rectangle in chess game -

i programming chess , wanted know how can change spot of rectangles. if need more informations let me know in answers. happy if answers me. thanks.

a rectangle has int x , y component. represent position on screen. x: 0, y: 0 represents upper left corner of screen. they're measured in pixels.

example(assumingly in game class)

rectangle chesspiece1; // in init function: chesspiece1.x = 100; 

you'll see chess piece has moved 100 pixels right on screen(if you've drawed of course).

// if put in update function, chess piece move 1 pixel right every time update function called! chesspiece.x++; 

and can in y direction too.

more info here. also: assume new stackoverflow, people can little harsh if ask "fix me please". here's info on how make neat questions.
