Drupal Restaurant Reservation - how to Install? -

i'm new web dev drupal.

i've made simple site using drupal commerce , ubercart modules food order , delivery functions.

i wanted include option reserve tables, , drupal's open restaurant seemed straight forward way go.

now know open restaurant distribution , cannot installed simple modules. however, want reservation option. how go installing relevant parts on existing site?

my drupal , module details follows:

  1. drupal : 7.34
  2. commerce : 7.x-1.11
  3. ubercart - core modules : 7.x-3.8

if suggest simple table reservation system, great too.

the open restaurant distribution assumed installed "package". not via pick-the-modules-that-you-need approach, though in theory (but requires quite bit of drupal experience). therefor recommend have @ various "reservation" related drupal extensions available today, further detailed below.

modules stable d7 release

here modules might fit, have stable d7 release (quotes project pages):

  • availability calendars (d6 or d7).

    ... allows add availability calendar entities. example use cases tourist accommodation, e.g. bed , breakfast, holiday homes or self catered apartments, , car or motor bike rental.

    an availability calendar shows customers @ dates accommodation still available , @ dates booked.

  • simple reservation (d6 or d7).

    ... provides simple , easy way reserve items can created administrator. examples it's usage can hotel rooms, boats, cars, airplanes, can think of can reserved 1 individual.

    the module provides possibility create reservations other users (dependent on permissions), , provides restrictions in maximum number of reservations user can make , maximum time reservation can made in advance.

    there no support payment, booking , ever 1 imagine beyond pure , simple reservation, , not intended create more simple functionality.

  • merci (d6 or d7).

    ... can extend content type list of unique reservable items (like studios) or buckets of interchangeable items (like dv cameras). followed approach used organic groups, feed api, , scheduler , added merci's configuration edit tab of content types.

  • resource conflict (d6 or d7).

    ... allows users book resources use during events. example, student can book microscope use within lab.

  • room reservations (d7).

    ... use academic libraries manage access , use of study rooms.

    all academic libraries have rooms set aside student study , collaboration. these rooms available on first come, first serve basis. many libraries have room reservation system allow students better plan use of these scarce resources, setting , administering such system without computer support difficult , time consuming undertaking.

    the room reservation module created meet need. allows library put reservation system customized own particular requirements. , once system has been set up, performs functions necessary manage use of group study rooms practically no involvement library staff.

    although application written use academic libraries, useful facility provides rooms can reserved , used on short term basis.

  • rooms (d7).

    ... booking , room management solution hotels, vacation rentals , b&bs.

    its module page mentions related modules may want at, such as:

modules unstable d7 release

some more modules might fit, have d7 release, not stable version yet (quotes project pages):

  • booking time slots (d6 or d7, dev version d7).

    ... provides time slots booking functionality.

    the drupal 7 version allows set-up schedule venue facility, users can book slots (e.g. classes) within specified opening hours.

    note: module seems still not have stable release d7 ...

  • resource booking (d6 or d7, beta version both).

    ... provides widget can included in content type , enable resource booking.

  • agreservations (d6 or d7, beta version both).

    ... handle reservations of resources.

  • hotel booking system ubercart (d6 or d7, beta version both).

    ... uc_hotel module hotel booking system drupal , ubercart.

    it not manage individual rooms, rather lets create room types, , set how many of each type available specific dates on calendar. each room type can assigned different rate, or based off single master rate , have modifier applied adjust rate amount.

  • reservations (d7-alfa version only).

    ... consists of api enables nodes of content type reserved based users role either resource of bucket. using bucket configuration works more hotel or rental car system customers reserve type or item , specific item depends on available @ time reservation starts. project includes multiple sub-modules including reservation ui provides reservation request -> confirmation -> checkout -> check in workflow driven views making easy modify. additional modules can enforce custom validation, add pricing, or add additional availability basic hours of operation.

    note: module page contains 7 additional (related) modules.

  • reservation (d7-alfa version only).

    ... allows site users reserve unit. unit anything, common rooms or pieces of equipment. site builders create units can reserved, adding additional fields. validation of reservations done using rules, can customized site builder.

modules integrating other booking systems

  • planyo online reservation system (d6 or d7).

    ... bridge planyo online reservation system.

  • booking.com api (d7, dev version).

    ... 3rd party integration booking.com service.

    this module provides framework accessing booking.com api drupal developers.

available distributions

there few drupal distributions bookings / reservations avaialble also, though seem have beta version d7, such (quotes project pages):

  • open hotel.

    ... helps create full featured hotel site online booking , online availability.

  • restaurant.

    ... has need kickstart restaurant website. comes menu management system, reservation system, customizable blog , events management.

  • easy booking.

    ... set website, suit needs in managing own hotel, inn or hostel online.

    it gives set of options visitors make room reservations, contact hotel administration or follow hotel’s newsletter aware of special offers , discounts. easy booking profile powered drupal rooms , drupal commerce - used , popular contributed decisions, means active maintaining , timely technical support.

booking systems comparison

refer comparison of booking system modules comparison of various modules related bookings / reservations.

this comparison contains other modules (not mentioned in answer here) might worth considering also, e.g. in case of requirements different (as compare in question here).

my recommended shortlist

i'd consider list of modules mentioned in modules stable d7 release shortlist further evaluation, i.e:

  1. availability calendars (reported installs: 2.061 sites).
  2. rooms (reported installs: 1.575 sites).
  3. merci (reported installs: 441 sites).
  4. resource conflict (reported installs: 329 sites).
  5. simple reservation (reported installs: 202 sites).
  6. room reservations (reported installs: 156 sites).

remark: rooms module seems overkill answer question "https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/167792/recommended-modules-to-make-a-booking-of-a-few-hours-without-pricing-features".

these modules appear have sufficient features need, , have stable (not alfa or beta only) release.

how pick module fits best

i've ordered recommended shortlist above number of reported installs. though first indicator, should not used criterium pick module.

so homework pick right 1 you. e.g. using criteria such use selecting module, mentioned in community documentation maintenance scorecards.

here intro (from page):

... contains list of 23 criteria (=28-5) might evaluate maintenance , support of contributed modules. below attempt apply criteria each of native charting modules ...

obvious, these scorecards related "charting modules", same criteria applicable, imho, wheneven need decide between multiple modules.

also note i've ordered shortlist above number of reported installs. though first indicator, should not used criterium pick module. homework pick right 1 you.

disclosure: i'm author of community documentation page (partially inspired 28 criteria in issue linked near beginning of scorecards paragraph),
hope not violate site's policy on self-promotion.


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