How would I hide inno Ready MemoType? -
how can hide `readymemotype, not hide or disable whole ready page? can't find in docs. on ready install page, part says setup type: custom. part hide. text in default.isl "readymemotype", don't want edit says. want hide or disable it.
on inno newsgroup, said:
"in [code], event function updatereadymemo called individual text fragments. append these (with appropriate newlines) in whatever order wish, omitting whatever wish, , adding information wish."
i have no idea means.
you can build content of readymemo
event method, passed parameters information stuff installed. includes setup type, passed memotypeinfo
parameter, exclude information memo can concatenate string without parameter, example:
[code] function updatereadymemo(space, newline, memouserinfoinfo, memodirinfo, memotypeinfo, memocomponentsinfo, memogroupinfo, memotasksinfo: string): string; begin // memotypeinfo parameter value not included in string result := memouserinfoinfo + newline + memodirinfo + newline + memocomponentsinfo + newline + memogroupinfo + newline + memotasksinfo; end;
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