ios - Passing data between View Controllers using segues. Not working -

i have attempted pass integer value using segue 1 view controller another. used thread me: passing data between view controllers.

so followed steps top question, declared integer in view controller receiving info's header, , likewise imported header view controller sending info's header. created modal segue though both create integer's value , present second view controller. presents second view controller. in addition when close app freezes whole phone!

-(void)prepareforsegue:(uistoryboardsegue *)segue sender:(id)sender{     if([segue.identifier isequaltostring:@"usecheat"]){         begin *controller = (begin *)segue.destinationviewcontroller; // warning report here says, "unused variable 'controller'". not figure out fix.         if (codeforallactive == yes) {             score = 10;         }         else if (codeforoneactive == yes) {             score = 9999975;         }     } } 

as can see, usecheat segue identifier. begin view controller receiving info. (the info value of score). value of score not change in begin.

if instead:

  -(void)prepareforsegue:(uistoryboardsegue *)segue sender:(id)sender{             if([segue.identifier isequaltostring:@"usecheat"]){                 begin *controller = (begin *)segue.destinationviewcontroller;                 if (codeforallactive == yes) {                     controller.score = 10;                 }                 else if (codeforoneactive == yes) {                     controller.score = 9999975;                 }             }         } 

i error @ controller.score reads: property score not found on object type begin. in begin.h (begin destination vc) create property score:

  @property(strong,nonatomic) nsinteger score; 

once that, error: unexpected '@' in program. took out '@' , error: missing parameter score.

try following code

-(void)prepareforsegue:(uistoryboardsegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {      secondviewcontroller * secondvc = (secondviewcontroller *) segue.destinationviewcontroller;     secondvc.intvariable = 10; } 


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