ios - How to get Source URL from -(bool) application openURL? -

i have app opens pdf http url using -(bool)application:openurl:. go safari, open pdf in safari, , use [open in "myapp"]

i want save url, when user closes app , opens again, pdf can opened again.

-(bool)application:(uiapplication *)application openurl:(nsurl *)url {     nsuserdefaults *defaults = [nsuserdefaults standarduserdefaults];     // store     [defaults setobject:[url absolutestring] forkey:@"lastpdfurl"];     [defaults synchronize];     <...etc...>     return yes; } 

when load key lastpdfurl, instead of getting:

(nsstring*) @"" 

i local url after pdf imported app, like:

(nsstring*) @"file:///<..dir..>/developer/coresimulator/devices/<..deviceid..>/ data/containers/data/application/<..appid..>/documents/inbox/lastpdf.pdf" 

so question is:

is possible in file importing interaction source url importing performed? i.e. ""?

you don't original url. when choose launch app safari or mail (or other apps) open sort of file, original file copied app's sandbox , url copied file in sandbox. can't change this.

there no way know original url was.

what should move file supplied url more appropriate location within app's bundle (such documents) , keep reference there. when app restarts can access previous file local location.


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