java - How do I download a file that is embedded in a web site? -

at moment can download files has type of format:

but how download files aren't visible in url file? e.g skype's url path:

as guys can see, there no way can download file using

filepath.substring(filepath.lastindexof("/") + 1); 

so there other ways this? did find file embedded in page using firebug

my question is, can programmatically go through page , access file?

here code works fine downloading

public static void filedownload(string urlfile) throws ioexception {     url url = new url(urlfile);     httpurlconnection httpurlconnection = (httpurlconnection) url.openconnection();     int responsecode = httpurlconnection.getresponsecode();     if (responsecode == httpurlconnection.http_ok) {         string filename = "";         string disposition = httpurlconnection.getheaderfield("content-disposition");         string contenttype = httpurlconnection.getcontenttype();         int contentlength = httpurlconnection.getcontentlength();         if (disposition != null) {             int index = disposition.indexof("filename=");             if (index > 0) {                 filename = disposition.substring(index + 10, disposition.length() - 1);             }         } else {             filename = urlfile.substring(urlfile.lastindexof("/") + 1, urlfile.length());         }         system.out.println("content-type= " + contenttype);         system.out.println("disposition= " + disposition);         system.out.println("content-length= " + contentlength);         system.out.println("file name= " + filename);         inputstream inputstream = httpurlconnection.getinputstream();         string savefilepath = getdesiredpath() + file.separator + filename;         fileoutputstream fileoutputstream = new fileoutputstream(savefilepath);         int byteread = -1;         byte[] buffer = new byte[buffer_size];         while ((byteread = != -1) {             fileoutputstream.write(buffer, 0, byteread);         }         fileoutputstream.close();         inputstream.close();         system.out.println("file downloaded");     } else {         system.out.println("no file download. server replied httpcode=" + responsecode);     }      httpurlconnection.disconnect();  } 

it's first time working file management , code taken here.

you can download file if file download link embedded in page.

something in web page html:

. . .  <a href="skype.exe">download skype</a>  . . . 

for downloading page , scanning links may use jsoup

code may this:

document doc = jsoup.connect("").get(); elements anchors ="a");  // untested code  (var anchor of anchors) // ecma 6 (i think) {     if (anchor.href.endswith(".exe")     {         // if href not full url i.e. not starting http://           var downloadlink = url + anchor.href;         // download file url     } } 


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