jpa - how to bind/ unbind a Date type attribute to a DatePicker object -

i have following code:

@fxml private datepicker birthday;  //other code                private final changelistener<person> personlistener = (value, oldvalue, newvalue) -> { //other code birthday.valueproperty().unbindbidirectional(oldvalue.getbirthday()); //other code }; 

birthday property of type java.time.localdate, , belongs class person. because use jpa, want not use javafx properties. above code fails compile. compiler's error message is:

error: no suitable method found unbindbidirectional(localdate)        birthdaypicker.valueproperty().unbindbidirectional(oldv.getbirthday()); method property.unbindbidirectional(property<localdate>) not applicable   (argument mismatch; localdate cannot converted property<localdate>) method objectproperty.unbindbidirectional(property<localdate>) not applicable   (argument mismatch; localdate cannot converted property<localdate>) 

how can solve problem?

update: person class has followin code:

@entity @table(name = "person") @namedqueries({     @namedquery(name = "person.findall", query = "select p person p"),     @namedquery(name = "person.findbyid", query = "select p person p = :id"),     @namedquery(name = "person.findbyfirstname", query = "select p person p p.firstname = :firstname"),     @namedquery(name = "person.findbylastname", query = "select p person p p.lastname = :lastname"),     @namedquery(name = "person.findbymail", query = "select p person p p.mail = :mail"),     @namedquery(name = "person.findbybirthday", query = "select p person p p.birthday = :birthday")}) public class person implements serializable {      private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;     @id     @basic(optional = false)     @column(name = "id")     private integer id;     @basic(optional = false)     @column(name = "firstname")     private string firstname;     @column(name = "lastname")     private string lastname;     @column(name = "mail")     private string mail;     @column(name = "birthday")     @temporal(     private localdate birthday;      public person() {     }      public person(integer id) { = id;     }      public person(integer id, string firstname) { = id;         this.firstname = firstname;     }       public integer getid() {         return id;     }      public void setid(integer id) {         integer oldid =; = id;          listenerlist.firepropertychange("id", oldid, id);     }      public string getfirstname() {         return firstname;     }      public void setfirstname(string firstname) {         string oldfirstname = this.firstname;         this.firstname = firstname;          listenerlist.firepropertychange("firstname", oldfirstname, firstname);     }      public string getlastname() {         return lastname;     }      public void setlastname(string lastname) {         string oldlastname = this.lastname;         this.lastname = lastname;           listenerlist.firepropertychange("mail", oldlastname, lastname);     }      public string getmail() {         return mail;     }      public void setmail(string mail) {         string oldmail = this.mail;         this.mail = mail;         listenerlist.firepropertychange("mail", oldmail, mail);     }      public localdate getbirthday() {         return birthday;     }      public void setbirthday(localdate birthday) {         localdate oldbirthday = this.birthday;         this.birthday = birthday;         listenerlist.firepropertychange("birthday", id, birthday);     }      @override     public int hashcode() {         int hash = 0;         hash += (id != null ? id.hashcode() : 0);         return hash;     }      @override     public boolean equals(object object) {         // todo: warning - method won't work in case id fields not set         if (!(object instanceof person)) {             return false;         }         person other = (person) object;         if (( == null && != null) || ( != null && ! {             return false;         }         return true;     }      @override     public string tostring() {         return "jpa.entities.person[ id=" + id + " ]";     }      @transient     final private propertychangesupport listenerlist = new propertychangesupport(this);      public void addpropertychangelistener(propertychangelistener listener) {         listenerlist.addpropertychangelistener(listener);      }      public void removepropertychangelistener(propertychangelistener listener) {         listenerlist.removepropertychangelistener(listener);      }  } 

the controller class:

public class personcontroller implements initializable {  @fxml private tableview<person> personstable; @fxml private tablecolumn<person, integer> idcolumn; @fxml private tablecolumn<person, string> firstcolumn; @fxml private tablecolumn<person, string> lastcolumn; @fxml private tablecolumn<person, localdate> birthdaycolumn; @fxml private tablecolumn<person, string> mailcolumn; @fxml private textfield id; @fxml private textfield firstname; @fxml private textfield lastname; @fxml private textfield mail; @fxml private datepicker birthdaypicker; private entitymanagerfactory emf; private entitymanager em; private observablelist<person> data; private localdate birthday;  /**  * initializes controller class.  */ @override public void initialize(url url, resourcebundle rb) {     emf = persistence.createentitymanagerfactory("persistencetest");     em = emf.createentitymanager();     data = fxcollections.observablearraylist();     birthdaypicker.setonaction((actionevent evnt) -> {         birthday = birthdaypicker.getvalue();      });     personstable.getselectionmodel().selecteditemproperty().addlistener(personlistener);     configurecolumn();     populate(); }  @fxml private void addperson(actionevent event) {     em.gettransaction().begin();     person p = new person(integer.parseint(id.gettext()), firstname.gettext());     p.setlastname(lastname.gettext());     p.setbirthday(birthdaypicker.getvalue());     p.setmail(mail.gettext());     em.persist(p);     data.add(p);     em.gettransaction().commit(); }  @fxml private void saveperson(actionevent event) {  }  @fxml private void deleteperson(actionevent event) {     em.gettransaction().begin();     person p = personstable.getselectionmodel().selecteditemproperty().getvalue();     data.remove(p);     em.remove(p);     em.gettransaction().commit(); }  private void populate() {     typedquery<person> query = em.createquery(             "select e person e", jpa.entities.person.class);     list<person> list = query.getresultlist();     data.addall(list);     personstable.setitems(data); }  private void configurecolumn() {     idcolumn.setcellvaluefactory(new propertyvaluefactory<person, integer>("id"));     firstcolumn.setcellvaluefactory(new propertyvaluefactory<person, string>("firstname"));     lastcolumn.setcellvaluefactory(new propertyvaluefactory<person, string>("lastname"));     birthdaycolumn.setcellvaluefactory(new propertyvaluefactory<person, localdate>("birthday"));     birthdaycolumn.setcellfactory(p -> {         return new tablecell<person, localdate>() {             @override             protected void updateitem(localdate item, boolean empty) {                 super.updateitem(item, empty);                 if (item == null || empty) {                     settext(null);                 } else {                     final datetimeformatter format = datetimeformatter.ofpattern("dd/mm/yyyy");                     settext(item.format(format));                  }             }         };     });     mailcolumn.setcellvaluefactory(new propertyvaluefactory<person, string>("mail"));  }  private final changelistener<person> personlistener = (value, oldv, newv) -> {     if (oldv != null) {         id.textproperty().unbindbidirectional(oldv.getid());         firstname.textproperty().unbindbidirectional(oldv.getfirstname());         lastname.textproperty().unbindbidirectional(oldv.getlastname());         birthdaypicker.valueproperty().unbindbidirectional(oldv.getbirthday()); // error         mail.textproperty().unbindbidirectional(oldv.getmail());      }     if (newv != null) {         try {             id.textproperty().bindbidirectional(javabeanintegerpropertybuilder.create().bean(newv).name("id").build(), new numberstringconverter());             firstname.textproperty().bindbidirectional(javabeanstringpropertybuilder.create().bean(newv).name("firstname").build());             lastname.textproperty().bindbidirectional(javabeanstringpropertybuilder.create().bean(newv).name("lastname").build());             birthdaypicker.valueproperty().bindbidirectional(); // error             mail.textproperty().bindbidirectional(javabeanstringpropertybuilder.create().bean(newv).name("mail").build());          } catch (nosuchmethodexception e) {             system.out.println("erreur : " + e.getmessage());         }      }  };  } 

the easiest thing use javafx properties in person class. works jpa long use "property access" instead of "field access". i.e.:

public class person {      private final stringproperty firstname = new simplestringproperty();      public stringproperty firstnameproperty() {         return firstname ;     }      @basic(optional = false)     @column(name = "firstname")     public final string getfirstname() {         return firstnameproperty().get();     }      public final void setfirstname(string firstname) {         firstnameproperty().set(firstname);     }      private final objectproperty<localdate> birthday = new simpleobjectproperty<>();     public objectproperty<localdate> birthdayproperty() {         return birthday ;     }      @column(name="birthday")     @temporal(     public localdate getbirthday() {         return birthdayproperty().get();     }     public void setbirthday(localdate birthday) {         birthdayproperty().set(birthday);     }      // etc  } 

(note hibernate still objects final get , set methods, have make methods non-final if use hibernate, less ideal. if use jpa-compliant orm shouldn't cause problem.)

if cannot use javafx properties in entity reason, can manage binding javabeanobjectproperty. code along following lines should work:

public class personcontroller {      private javabeanobjectproperty birthdaypropertyadapter ;      // ...  private final changelistener<person> personlistener = (value, oldv, newv) -> {     if (oldv != null) {         id.textproperty().unbindbidirectional(oldv.getid());         firstname.textproperty().unbindbidirectional(oldv.getfirstname());         lastname.textproperty().unbindbidirectional(oldv.getlastname());         mail.textproperty().unbindbidirectional(oldv.getmail());      }      if (birthdaypropertyadapter != null) {             birthdaypicker.valueproperty().unbindbidirectional(birthdaypropertyadapter);     }      if (newv != null) {         try {             id.textproperty().bindbidirectional(javabeanintegerpropertybuilder.create().bean(newv).name("id").build(), new numberstringconverter());             firstname.textproperty().bindbidirectional(javabeanstringpropertybuilder.create().bean(newv).name("firstname").build());             lastname.textproperty().bindbidirectional(javabeanstringpropertybuilder.create().bean(newv).name("lastname").build());             mail.textproperty().bindbidirectional(javabeanstringpropertybuilder.create().bean(newv).name("mail").build());      birthdaypropertyadapter = javabeanobjectpropertybuilder.create()     .bean(newv)     .name("birthday")     .build();      birthdaypicker.valueproperty().bindbidirectional(birthdaypropertyadapter);          } catch (nosuchmethodexception e) {             system.out.println("erreur : " + e.getmessage());         }      }  };     


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