javascript - I failed to slide screen animation in QML -

i want slide menu screen on root rectangle. menu screen comes left side, ok couldn't send again.

window {     visible: true     id: root     width: 460; height: 640     color: "white"     property int duration: 3000     property bool menu_shown: false        rectangle {         id: menu_screen         width: parent.width; height: parent.height         color: "#303030"         radius: 10          x: -460;         sequentialanimation {             id: anim_menu             numberanimation {                 target: menu_screen                 properties: "x"                 to: -160             }         }     }      rectangle {         id: click_button         width: 50; height: 50         color: "#303030"         scale: m_area.pressed ? 1.1 : 1         radius: 5          x: 5; y: 5;         sequentialanimation {             id: anim_button             numberanimation {                 target: click_button                 properties: "x"                 to: 305              }         }      }      mousearea {         id: m_area         anchors.fill: click_button         onclicked : {             anim_button.start()             anim_menu.start()         }      } } 

you not defining animation going back, same animation running on clicked signal. recommend use behavior on x though. try this.

import qtquick 2.4 import qtquick.controls 1.3 import qtquick.window 2.2 import qtquick.dialogs 1.2  window {     visible: true     id: root     width: 460; height: 640     color: "white"     property int duration: 3000     property bool menu_shown: false      rectangle {         id: menu_screen         width: parent.width; height: parent.height         color: "#303030"         radius: 10          x: -460;          behavior on x { numberanimation { } }     }      rectangle {         id: click_button         width: 50; height: 50         color: "#303030"         scale: m_area.pressed ? 1.1 : 1         radius: 5          x: 5; y: 5;          behavior on x { numberanimation { } }     }      mousearea {         id: m_area         anchors.fill: click_button         onclicked : {             click_button.x = click_button.x == 5 ? 305 : 5             menu_screen.x = menu_screen.x == -460 ? -160 : -460         }     } } 

also, side note, take @ this in meantime. :)


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