Django Rest Framework - business action specific views? -

i have basic model based view uses model serializer:

class actionitemtextserializer(serializers.modelserializer):     assignee_name = serializers.charfield(source='get_assignee_name')       class meta:         model = actionitem         fields = ('id', 'created_by', 'created_date', 'project', 'portfolio', 'name', 'description', 'parent', 'priority', 'status', 'assignee', 'assignee_name', 'wf_get_actions')         #depth = 1   class actionitemviewset(viewsets.modelviewset):     queryset = actionitem.objects.all()     serializer_class = actionitemtextserializer 

so when go /actionitems/ list of them , when go /actionitems/5/ details individual action item.

my action items can have specific actions associated them - how go extending have following:

get /actionitems/5/assign , model view action item id=5 additional data (i can add via view's serializer suppose)

put /actionitems/5/assign , trigger view update model data put data , additional change based on action key ('assign') passed it?

can somehow extend modelviewset can return different serializer , perform different actions while put/post etc based on parameter after /actionitems/5/? or should use different approach here.

django rest framework allows add "actions" viewset through @detail_route decorator. can read more decorator in documentation viewsets , requires use of built-in routers.

in order support multiple request methods (put/post), going need pass them in through methods argument decorator. using

@detail_route(methods=['post', 'put']) 

you can route based on method being used checking request.method on request passed in.


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