python - Is it possible to send email from localhost by using flask-mail? -

i using windows os , trying send email localhost using flask-email extension. codes given below:

#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-  flask import flask flask.ext.mail import mail, message  app = flask(__name__) mail = mail(app)  app.config['mail_server'] = '' app.config['mail_port'] = 465 app.config['mail_use_tls'] = true app.config['mail_use_ssl'] = false app.config['mail_username'] = "" app.config['mail_password'] = "783798kljkld"   @app.route("/") def index():     msg = message("hello", sender="", recipients=[""])     msg.body = "testing"     msg.html = "<b>testing</b>"     return mail.send(msg)   if __name__ == '__main__': 

when run code in debugging mode, browser gives response "smtpserverdisconnected: connection unexpectedly closed"

so, problem in code & how can send email using flask-email extension localhost?


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