angularjs - Testing ui.router $stateChangeSuccess -

i have simple function in main controller updates $scope.loading based on ui.router's $statechangestart , $statechangesuccess events.

$scope.$on('$statechangestart', function(event, tostate) {   if (tostate.resolve) {     $scope.loading = true;   } }); $scope.$on('$statechangesuccess', function(event, tostate) {   if (tostate.resolve) {     $scope.loading = false;   } }); 

this works great until try unit test. can't find way trigger $statechangesuccess event.

my jasmine unit test looks this:

it('should set $scope.loading true', function () {     expect(scope.loading).tobe(false);     $state.go('home');     expect(scope.loading).tobe(true);     scope.$digest();     expect(scope.loading).tobe(false); 


the test fails because $statechangesuccess never fires. ideas appreciated.

this works me.

you need $broadcast event. read below bit of pseudocode. hope helps you.

// note: pseudocode    // controller  // assumes have usual setup support controller.  // assumes controller attached component or angular controller.    function mycontroller() {    var vm = this;      vm.ishappy = false;      $scope.$on('$statechangesuccess', function(event, tostate) {      if ( === 'mystate') {        vm.ishappy = true;      }    });  }    // test  // assumes several things  //    * ctrl mocked controller  //    * has necessary setup & injections (such $rootscope).  //    * testing framework jasmine    describe('what happens when go happy place?', function() {        it('should visible happy.', function() {            expect(ctrl.ishappy).tobefalsy();              $rootscope.$broadcast('$statechangesuccess', {              'name': 'mystate'            });            // or $scope.$broadcast              expect(ctrl.ishappy).tobetruthy();          }        });


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