c# - Removing child entity not deleting in database entity framework -
i have 2 entities "yogaspace" , "yogaspaceimage" i'm deleting image , trying row removed, instead nulls out reference yogaspace entity.
here entities.
public class yogaspace { public int yogaspaceid { get; set; } public virtual icollection<yogaspaceimage> images { get; set; } } public class yogaspaceimage { public int yogaspaceimageid { get; set; } public byte[] image { get; set; } public byte[] imagethumbnail { get; set; } public string contenttype { get; set; } public int ordering { get; set; } }
here method deleted 1 image db.
[httppost] public actionresult removeimage(string id, string imageid) { yogaspace yogaspace = yogaspacerepository.find(convert.toint16(id)); yogaspaceimage image = yogaspace.images.firstordefault(si => si.yogaspaceimageid == convert.toint16(imageid)); yogaspace.images.remove(image); yogaspacerepository.insertorupdate(yogaspace); yogaspacerepository.save(); return json("removed"); }
here what's inside repo insertorupdate()
public void insertorupdate(yogaspace yogaspace) { if (yogaspace.yogaspaceid == default(int)) { context.entry(yogaspace).state = system.data.entity.entitystate.added; } else { context.entry(yogaspace).state = system.data.entity.entitystate.modified; } }
and here result. can see row doesn't deleted, null gets put reference column. don't have repo yogaspaceimage entity, yogaspace trying use don't have create repo.
you need mark entity deleted.
yogaspace.images.remove(image); context.yogaspaceimages.remove(image)
your other option mark mapping .willcascadeondelete()
protected override void onmodelcreating(dbmodelbuilder mb) { mb.entity<yogaspace>().hasmany(p => p.images ) .withrequired() .hasforeignkey(c => c.yogaspaceimageid) .willcascadeondelete(); }
the other option have foreignkey on yogaspaceimage
(if mapping of 1 yogaspace
- 0-many image
) , mark yogaspaceimage.yogaspace
foreign key required. therefore whenever ef tried remove foreign key, automatically delete image.
public class yogaspaceimage { public int yogaspaceimageid { get; set; } public byte[] image { get; set; } public byte[] imagethumbnail { get; set; } public string contenttype { get; set; } public int ordering { get; set; } public int yogaspaceid { get; set; } [required] <-- delete image, if removed parent public virtual yogaspace yogaspace { get; set; } }
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