Caching data using $cacheFactory vs regular javascript variable AngularJS -

the invoicemodel below has getbycustomer() function lists invoices given customer.

i'm wondering what's difference between caching data regular javascript variable compared using $cachefactory.

regular javascipt variable:

angular.module('app', ['ngresource'])  .factory('invoice', ['$resource',     function($resource) {         return $resource('');     } ]) .factory('invoicemodel', ['invoice',     function(invoice) {         var customer_invoices = [];          return {             getbycustomer: function(customer_id) {                 if (customer_invoices[customer_id] == undefined) {                     customer_invoices[customer_id] = invoice.get({customer_id: customer_id});                 }                  return customer_invoices[customer_id];             }         };     } ]); 


angular.module('app', ['ngresource'])  .factory('invoice', ['$resource',     function($resource) {         return $resource('');     } ]) .factory('invoicemodel', ['invoice', '$cachefactory',     function(invoice, $cachefactory) {         var customerinvoicescache = $cachefactory('customerinvoicescache');          return {             getbycustomer: function(customer_id) {                 var invoices = customerinvoicescache.get(customer_id);                  if (!invoices) {                     customerinvoicescache.put(invoice.get({customer_id: customer_id}));                 }                  return invoices;             }         };     } ]); 

i wouldn't use $cachefactory in fashion have shown. you're kind of using way $http or $resource use internally.

instead, can configure $http or $resource object cache responses specific queries. merely use $http or $resource normal. handles caching you.

example $resource:

.factory('invoice', ['$resource',     function($resource) {         return $resource('', {}, {             query: { cache: true }         });     } ]) 

the above overrides query method of resource enable caching default $cachefactory. first time code calls query method response cached. subsequent calls query method use cached response.

example $http:

$http.get('/the-url', { cache: true }).then(...) // or passing in own cache factory var cache = $cachefactory('mycachefactory'); $http.get('/the-url', { cache: cache }).then(...); 

clearing cache:

when need clear cache, $cachefactory , call it's remove() function clear cache associated url:

// default cache factory var defaultcache = $cachefactory('$http'); defaultcache.remove('/some/url'); // custom cache factory var cache = $cachefactory('mycachefactory'); cache.remove('/custom-cache-url'); 


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