iphone - Does Facebook SDK distinguish between iOS debug vs release build -

does facebook distinguish between debug , release ios builds? testing app before submitting new build itunes. app uses single permission of posting photo on facebook (i.e. publish_actions). strange thing when test facebook account, goes through fine. when test partner's facebook account, not go through: developer account linked facebook account; not partner's. following method

// convenience method perform action requires "publish_actions" permissions. - (void)performpublishaction:(void(^)(void))action {     // defer request permission post moment of post, check permission     if ([fbsession.activesession.permissions indexofobject:@"publish_actions"] == nsnotfound) {         // if don't have permission, request         nslog(@"requesting publish permission");         [fbsession.activesession requestnewpublishpermissions:@[@"publish_actions"]                                               defaultaudience:fbsessiondefaultaudiencefriends                                             completionhandler:^(fbsession *session, nserror *error) {                                                 nslog(@"completion handler returns permission");                                                 nslog(@"my permissions are: %@",session.permissions);                                                 if (!error) {                                                     nslog(@"okay no error");                                                     action();                                                 } else if (error.fberrorcategory != fberrorcategoryusercancelled) {                                                    nslog(@"error getting permission:: %@",error);                                                 }                                             }];     } else {         nslog(@"the other route");         action();     }  } 

action() never called.

the line

nslog(@"my permissions are: %@",session.permissions); 


my permissions are: (     "public_profile" ) 

and line

 nslog(@"the error is: %@",error); 


the error is: error domain=com.facebook.sdk code=2  "the operation couldn’t completed. com.facebook.sdk:errorreauthorizefailedreasonusercancelled" userinfo=0x1702779c0  {com.facebook.sdk:errorloginfailedreason=com.facebook.sdk:errorreauthorizefailedreasonusercancelled,  nslocalizedfailurereason=com.facebook.sdk:errorreauthorizefailedreasonusercancelled,  com.facebook.sdk:errorsessionkey=<fbsession: 0x170169480, state: fbsessionstateopen, loginhandler:  0x100374240, appid: 123456789, urlschemesuffix: ,  tokencachingstrategy:<fbsessiontokencachingstrategy: 0x17022a740>, expirationdate: 2015-05-19 19:07:02 +0000,  refreshdate: 2015-03-20 19:07:02 +0000, attemptedrefreshdate: 0000-12-30 00:00:00 +0000, permissions:(     "public_profile" )>} 

nopes facebook doesnt distinguish between debug , release ios builds. thing havent unable application general user mood. made login avilable general user have unable application in https://developers.facebook.com/ have register applications

  1. first go https://developers.facebook.com/ , login developer account
  2. click on apps , select application have registeredenter image description here

3.click on settings option , enter email in contact email option , save changesenter image description here 4.click on status & review , make yes enter image description here

  1. you saw following dialogue click on confirm enter image description here

  2. now able login of facebook account


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