python - "Edit with IDLE" option missing from context menu -

i have python 2.7.5 installed arcgis 10.2.2. when first right-clicked .py script i'd written listed "edit idle" option in context menu. however, option no longer appears when right-click .py file.

i have read numerous threads concerning issue , attempted of them, such modifying/removing registry keys , reinstalling/repairing software. not interested in using ide @ point, though many happy know intend use ide later on. right now, purpose fix problem rather avoid , work around it.

i appreciate i've gotten online community in past, , i'm confident come through solution me.

how "edit idle" in context menu?

directly from:

here's reg file add command edit idle python.file (.py) , python.noconfile (.pyw) file types. it's python 2.7, installed in c:\python27, substitute paths pythonw.exe , idle.pyw relevant installation. save .reg file. right-click , choose merge.

windows registry editor version 5.00

[hkey_classes_root\python.file\shell\edit idle\command] @="\"c:\python27\pythonw.exe\" \"c:\python27\lib\idlelib\idle.pyw\" -e \"%1\""

[hkey_classes_root\python.noconfile\shell\edit idle\command] @="\"c:\python27\pythonw.exe\" \"c:\python27\lib\idlelib\idle.pyw\" -e \"%1\""


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