xcode - Parse - Query and send push notification to custom class -

i trying send push notification users when data in submission class created changes in status column keep getting error in xcode in "let pushquery = pfsubmission.query()" have "use of unresolved identifier 'pfsubmission'."

        //install push function func application(application: uiapplication, didregisterforremotenotificationswithdevicetoken devicetoken: nsdata) {     let installation = pfinstallation.currentinstallation()     installation.adduniqueobject("status", forkey: "channels")     installation.setdevicetokenfromdata(devicetoken)     installation.saveinbackground()      let pushquery = pfsubmission.query()     pushquery.wherekey("status", equalto: "1")      // send push notification query     let push = pfpush()     push.setquery(pushquery) // set our installation query     push.setmessage("test 1 message here")     push.sendpushinbackground() 

i not using framework, cannot noticing parse framework class names follow schema:

pfclass  // not pfclass 

i.e. capitalized class name after pf. should try using

pfsubmission // not pfsubmission 

and see if works.


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