angularjs - How create select from object in Angular? -

how easy create select list object js?


0: {userswork: "600", name: "salaria"}, 1: {userswork: "700", name: "bavaria"} 

i need create:

<select>    <option value="600">salaria</option>    <option value="700">bavaria</option> </select> 

i tried using ng-option:

<option ng-show="specializationselect == {{value.usersspecializationidspecialization}}" value="{{value.usersworkspaceiduser}}" ng-repeat="(key, value) in options">{{value.detailtousersname}}</option> 

use ng-options

<select ng-options="person.userswork (objid, person) in persons"></select> 

assuming data array object in $scope.persons (sub out whatever)


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