entity framework - EF6 Code first migration Oracle ODP.Net PLS-00103 -

i'm using ef6 oracle odp.net , code first migration in app.

when run


i'm getting:

oracle.manageddataaccess.client.oracleexception (0x00001996): ora-06550: line 1, column 6: pls-00103: encountered symbol "" when expecting 1 of following: 

but when run

update-database -script

the generated script works fine on database. after trying

update-database -verbose

i found difference in scripts generated 'update-database -verbose'

begin   execute immediate   'create index "sys_mzk"."ix_realizacje_kursow_r_6940446" on "sys_mzk"."realizacje_kursow" ("rlk_fk_kur_id")'; exception   when others     if sqlcode <> -1408       raise;     end if; end; begin   execute immediate   'create index "sys_mzk"."ix_realizacje_kurso_1395326627" on "sys_mzk"."realizacje_kursow" ("rlk_fk_pnm_id_akt_pol")'; exception   when others     if sqlcode <> -1408       raise;     end if; end; 

and 'update-database -script":

begin   execute immediate   'create index "sys_mzk"."ix_realizacje_kursow_r_6940446" on "sys_mzk"."realizacje_kursow" ("rlk_fk_kur_id")'; exception   when others     if sqlcode <> -1408       raise;     end if; end; /  begin   execute immediate   'create index "sys_mzk"."ix_realizacje_kurso_1395326627" on "sys_mzk"."realizacje_kursow" ("rlk_fk_pnm_id_akt_pol")'; exception   when others     if sqlcode <> -1408       raise;     end if; end; / 

the dissapearing of '/' problem - there way change way of generating above script


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