How can I make a Python function examine every element of a list? -
i ordered build bulean function takes list of numbers , execute "true" if list proper grade list(i.e every number between 0 100) , "false" otherwise. encounter error, caused, believe not thorough acquaintance program. reason why ask here learn doing.
i tried few scripts. 1 of them:
def isvalidgradelist(i): x in range(0,len(i)+1): if i[x] not in range (0,101): return false else: continue return true
as see, code won't way in scripter. how can attend it? appreciate help.
thank help. unfortunately, not use "all" built-in function yet, we've not learned how use it. is, however, i've done far. seems working.
def areintegers(i): x=0 x in range(0,len(i)): if type(i[x])==int: x=x+1 else: return false return true def isbounded(i): x=0 x in range(0,len(i)): if i[x] in range(0,101): x=x+1 else: return false return true def isvalidgradelist(i): if isbounded(i)==true: if areintegers(i)==true: return true else: return false else: return false
the code needs go through list , if catches grade outside range 0-100, return false
. if not catch such grade continues until reaches end of list. @ point know none of grades outside of range can return true
. so, unindenting return true
executed after loop has finished make code work.
def isvalidgradelist(i): x in range(0,len(i)+1): if i[x] not in range (0,101): return false else: continue return true # needs *outside* of loop
this can simplified bit: continue
statement doesn't anything; can loop through elements of list rather using index; , can check grades within range using form a <= x <= b
rather range
def is_valid_grade_list(l): grade in l: if not 0 <= grade <= 100: return false return true
and all
provides shortcut type of function:
def is_valid_grade_list(l): return all(0 <= grade <= 100 grade in l)
if need check each grade integer checking within range, can add isinstance(grade, int)
def is_valid_grade_list(l): grade in l: if not (isinstance(grade, int) , 0 <= grade <= 100): return false return true
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