Alfresco Rest API to get the current node version -

i'm making call get service/api/version?noderef={noderef}, want limit query recent version. found stackoverflow post suggests use of &filter={filterquery?} filter results, looks applies people query method. there version method?

before answering specific query, general point. alfresco community open source, , of alfresco enterprise too, many queries around best bet go , check source code yourself! rest apis held in projects/remote-api

looking in there, can see versions webscript returns versions given node. it's fast that, calling , getting recent 1 isn't end of world

otherwise, slingshot node details api @ http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/slingshot/doclib2/node/{store_type}/{store_id}/{id} (add parts of noderef url) return lots of information on node quickly, including latest version. in json returned that, inside item key like

"version": "1.7", 

which gives latest version node

some of listing , search apis include version, quite bit more heavyweight getting version history of node


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