c# - FB.Init fails trying to convert Int32 to Char -

the facebook api works when it's in unity editor not on facebook canvas. receive error in development console:

>overflowexception: value greater char.maxvalue or less char.minvalue >>system.convert.tochar(int32 value) >>facebook.minijson.json+parser.get_peekchar() >>facebook.minijson.json+parser.eatwhitespace() >>facebook.minijson.json+parser.get_nexttoken() >>facebook.minijson.json+parser.parsevalue() >>facebook.minijson.json+parser.parse(system.string jsonstring) >>facebook.minijson.json.deserialize(system.string json) >>facebook.nativedialog.commonvariablescallback(.fbresult result) >>facebook.asyncrequestdialogpost.callbackwitherrorhandling(.fbresult result) >>facebook.asyncrequeststring+<start>.c_iterator0.movenext() 

i understand converting int32 char, contains 1byte, not possible i've not included such conversions in code related to facebook api.

i've found out successive deletions occurs in method fb.init code simple:

fb.init(oninitcomplete, onhideunity); 

where oninitcomplete , onhideunity call debug.log.

if has found reason or solution i'd know.

edit: i'm using facebook sdk 6.2.1, build version 150128.46cb09fefe856ca , unity 5.


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