node.js - Webdriver (wd) tests work locally but time out on Travis CI? -

i have tests written gulp-mocha-selenium uses wd under hood. may important note 'wd' driver not vanilla webdriver.

tests here:

my travis.yml is:

language: node_js node_js:   - "0.10.37" before_install:   - "export display=:99.0"   - "sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start"   - "npm install -g eslint gulp eslint-plugin-react webpack" before_script:   - "sleep 30" script:   - "gulp check"   - "gulp test:server"   - "gulp test:acceptance" addons:   firefox: "31" 

the tests work fine locally, time out on i'm not sure start looking.

travis results:

it turns out need download , start selenium on travisci

before_script:   - "wget"   - "java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.0.jar > /dev/null &"   - sleep 3 


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